Strictly selected ingredients, such as fresh eggs, natural butter, pure soybean oil, fine-quality beans and nuts, etc. All products contain no preservatives.
We employ a just third party to conduct sampling inspections for all our products to ensure the best quality. Inspection items include aerobic plate count, agricultural residue, aflatoxin, preservatives, bleaching agents, artificial flavor, etc.
We source our ingredients from local suppliers first, including Tainan's Guanmiao pineapples, Pintung's Wandan red beans, etc., to support local economy as well as minimize transportation to reduce carbon footprint.
Our modernized production center, which follows the standards of International Food Safety Certification, has been launched by the end of 2015, guaranteeing the best quality of our products by ensuring that our production procedure, expiration date, and production equipment all meet international standards and the principle of self-management of safety and health.